Eating & Living Well

Why is it we are so fixated on having these “perfect”
bodies for the summer? Yet the rest of the year we’ll let ourselves go. Other
than maybe after the festive season when we want to lose that extra belly fat.
But how long does that New Year’s resolution really last?
The reason behind me writing this post is that I've
actually been dieting this week with my family. My first “real diet”. So during
this dieting process I have been doing some research in how to eat & live
Here are some (hopefully) helpful tips I have discovered:
Kick start the day with lemon and water. Drinking a glass
of (boiled) water with the juice of half a lemon revitalises the body and mind
as it is packed full of antioxidants- rich in vitamin C.
The pectin found in lemons creates a feeling of fullness
which suppresses those cravings.
Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day. If you
want to eat a heavy meal then have it for breakfast as you’re going to burn the
calories off throughout the day.
As you most probably know oats are great for breakfast as
they’re filling. Oats contain natural sugars that when eaten are slowly
released into blood stream, providing that energy boost you need.
Tip: Oats aren't just a heart-warming winter breakfast.
They can be eaten cold too. Prepare ahead of time by soaking oats in twice the
amount of milk. Add fruit (any you like), a squeeze of lemon juice (prevents fruit
from browning and as noted above its good for you) and you’re good to go.
Note: Believe it or not but the size of your cereal can
make a difference in losing weight. If you’re eating cereal with little flakes
you’re more likely to fill more into your bowl. Whereas bigger flaked cereal
looks like more so you’ll fill less into your bowl. There could be a 72 calorie
difference between the two.
Lunch time is just as important as breakfast but doesn't
need to be packed with heavy refined carbohydrates. If you’re going to eat
carbohydrates have them at lunch time and opt for those that are unrefined such
as; wild rice, wheat pasta or wholemeal noodles. Couscous and quinoa are
healthier choices that seem to get forgotten about.
Cut out the amount of bread you’re eating, especially if
its shop bought. Eating too much bread can cause problems to your digestive
Dinner time shouldn't put you into a food coma. Attempt
to eat lighter meals in the evening by cutting out all starchy carbohydrates. Eating
meat and plenty of vegetables will suffice. By cutting out those starchy
carbohydrates in the evening you will feel less bloated/heavy in the morning.
Cutting out the excessive amount of salt & sugar that
we consume. Most foods contain natural sugars which are good and are needed
within our diet. However, processed foods are found to have unnecessary amounts
of sugar in them as they’re used to bulk out the product. Our sugar intake is
probably reached without us even knowing it. So if you’re having that sweet
craving (like I do) have a go at making “sugar free” treats. A good example is
banana and date flapjack. It contains no added sugars but tastes just as sweet
from the natural sugars released from the fruit.
Snacking has become somewhat a habit of ours. As always
it is recommended to snack healthy by eating fruits & vegetables. However,
I recently discovered that it is best to eat fruits by lunch time due to the
type of sugar in them. Avoid eating fruit in the evening as you don’t need the
energy they provide before going to bed.
Exercise for me is a huge struggle. I have never been
sporty, ever. But eating healthy and exercising go hand in hand. So if you’re
like me and don’t play a sport or workout try opting for going on walks. If you
can walk somewhere instead of taking the car, do it. Or take the stairs instead
of the lift. Common little tricks that will help you get in the exercise you
So that’s what I have discovered. Some or all of it you
may have already known, but if not I hope it was some helpful insight. I am not
saying you should follow what I have found out (because even I will struggle
to) but maybe these tips will help you feeling healthier, revived and/or
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